OneLife Direct is a Direct Primary Care practice

As a member, you get 24/7 DIRECT ACCESS to your DOCTOR by text, phone, and virtual office visits starting at just $129 per month.

OneLife Direct can take care of up to 90% of your healthcare needs and save you thousands of dollars on your healthcare costs.

Your OneLife Direct Membership Includes:
  • 24/7 ACCESS to your DOCTOR by text, phone and virtual visit

  • Treatment of infections, back pain, headaches, allergies, injuries
  • Chronic disease management – diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, high cholesterol
  • Urgent Care

  • Digital X-ray and EKG

  • Medically supervised weight loss
  • Dermatology
  • Women’s Health
  • Men’s Health
  • Discounted labs and medications

What is Direct Primary Care?

OneLife Direct is a simplified model for delivering primary care that gives you 24/7 direct access to your doctor and costs 50% LESS than traditional primary care options.

OneLife Direct can handle up to 90% of your healthcare needs.